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Shawe Memorial Announces Winter Athletic Guidelines

Parents/Guardians will need to sign in under their player's name and pay admission fees upon arrival. 

(Madison, Ind.) - Shawe Memorial High School announced new guidelines for winter sports due to the "red" level advisory that Jefferson County is now in. 

The school stated that at this time they are still allowed to travel and host sporting events as long as the opposing school is okay with it. 

Attendance for any games held at Shawe will now be restricted to 2 parents/guardians per player on each team, this also includes dependent children of those parents/guardians. 

Parents/Guardians will need to sign in under their player's name and pay admission fees upon arrival. 

The following is a list of the guidelines that provide more information for all events to be held at Shawe Memorial:

  • Event attendance will be dependent on Jefferson County’s COVID color designation at the time the event is scheduled to take place:
    • RED - Attendance at all Shawe events in the gymnasium, including basketball, is limited to participants, essential personnel, and TWO parents/guardians per player.
    • ORANGE - Attendance at all Shawe events in the gymnasium, including basketball, is limited to 200 total people including participants. A restricted number of player invite passes will be given to each team and the remaining open seating will go to Shawe students, alumni, and sports pass holders
    • YELLOW - Attendance at all Shawe events in the gymnasium, including basketball, is limited to 250 total people including participants.
    • BLUE - Attendance at all Shawe events in the gymnasium, including basketball, is limited to 300 total people including participants.
  • It is MANDATORY that all in attendance who are not actively involved in competing and/or performing are required to wear face coverings at all times including coaches, officials, teachers, and non-active participants.
  • All non-family groups must be socially distanced.
  • No outside food or beverages allowed (besides the team's individual water bottles).
  • Concessions will be provided with respect to the health department's guidelines of prepackaged/sealed items.
  • In accordance with the Archdiocese rules, we have to keep a log/track of everyone in attendance and will therefore need a complete roster with all opposing team players and personnel. (managers, scorebook keepers, bus drivers, etc.)
  • Everyone must enter/exit through the high school’s main/front doors and all fans/spectators must provide their first and last name along with vouchers (if in Orange or Red) and entry fees at the front gate (No tickets).
  • Gate workers will keep count of all in attendance and will prohibit any further entry upon reaching the maximum limit.
  • Teams, scorekeepers, announcers, and media will have sections of bleachers blocked off for their use only.
  • No congregating before/after events, at the front entry while waiting to get in, or while waiting to purchase concession items.
  • Areas, where we expect to have lines, will be marked to the best of our ability with tape to properly distance those waiting.
  • Any individual who refuses to abide by these guidelines will be subject to removal and may result in gameplay stoppage and/or cancellation.

Opposing Cheer Teams/Squads will not be permitted at Shawe Memorial’s home events.

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