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Projects and programs must impact one of four fields of interest

The Women’s Giving Circle of Jefferson County (WGCJC) held its Annual Meeting on April 16, 2019 at Red Bicycle Hall. At the event, WGCJC Members voted to grant $20,034 to 12 organizations with programs and projects benefitting women and children in Jefferson County. Grants are awarded to qualifying 501(c)3 organizations that apply through the annual WGCJC competitive grants cycle. Projects and programs must impact one of four fields of interest: Education, Economic Empowerment, Physical & Mental Health, and Violence & Crime Prevention.

The twelve organizations are:

• Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Jefferson County – to support a “Lunch & Learn” session on Self-Care & Building SelfEsteem for children and their mentors within the program, and to provide hygiene supplies.

• Canaan Community Academy – to purchase books for the school library demonstrating diversity.

• Developmental Services, Inc. – to provide “Ladies Night” events for clients, staff, and community members.

• Girls on the Run/King’s Daughter’s Health – to support the Fall 2019 program and to purchase new running shoes for participants in need.

• Jefferson County Tobacco Prevention & Cessation – to host a Truth Initiative speaker for middle and high school students in Jefferson County addressing the use of e-cigarettes.

• Jefferson County Transitional Services – to purchase bedroom dressers for the Ruth Haven home.

• Lide White Memorial Boys & Girls Club – to support the Teen Night program. • Madison Consolidated Schools – to train E.O. Muncie & Anderson Elementary School staff members at the Ron Clark Academy.

• O.V.O. Head Start – to purchase iPads and accessories for Head Start classrooms in Jefferson County to aid the learning experience.

•PFLAG of Hanover, Inc. – to purchase informational materials for educators, law enforcement, healthcare providers, and pastors about youth LGBTQ issues.

• Southeastern Indiana Voices for Children – to provide training and materials to new child advocate volunteers.

• Trinity United Methodist Church – to purchase clothing for women and children for the Jesus Clothes Closet program.

Photo of 2018 WGCJC Grant Winners. Front Row: (from left) Kris Hoffman, Lide White Memorial Boys & Girls Club; Melanie Harrell, O.V.O. Head Start; David Horvath, Madison Consolidated Schools; Second Row: Gina Freeman, Big Brothers/Big Sisters; Janet Huber Lowry, PFLAG of Hanover; Brenda Holbrook, Southeastern Indiana Voices for Children; Third Row: Claire Hirsch, Developmental Services, Inc.; Nadja Boone, King’s Daughters’ Health & Jefferson County Tobacco Prevention & Cessation; Alison Frazier, Jefferson County Transitional Services; Fourth Row: Megan Ritz, Canaan Community Academy; Martha Brown, Trinity United Methodist Church. (Photo Courtesy of the Women’s Giving Circle)

The Women’s Giving Circle is a group of philanthropic-minded women of all ages, means and backgrounds who combine their financial strength to make a positive change for the women and children of Jefferson County. Annual membership to the WGCJC is a $100 tax-deductible contribution. Junior memberships are $50 and open to girls ages 18 and under. Of the $100 annual donation, $75 goes in a fund for the annual grant cycle and $25 is placed in an endowment fund for future granting. The junior membership is split $25/$25. Assets of the WGCJC are held and maintained at the Community Foundation of Madison & Jefferson County (CFMJC).

For more information about the Women’s Giving Circle, contact Kelley Hoagland at 812-265-3327, by email at, or join on-line at

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