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Monday, January 8, 2024 at 10:43 AM

By Women's Giving Circle of Jefferson County X @Wikicountry

Nonprofit organizations serving women and children in Jefferson County encouraged to apply


Madison, IN – The Women’s Giving Circle annual Grant Cycle is accepting online applications for its annual grant cycle until Wednesday, January 31, 2023, at Noon. During last year’s cycle, the Women’s Giving Circle awarded $25,956 to four nonprofit organizations with programs and projects that serve women and/or children in Jefferson County.

To apply, organizations must create a profile and complete the online request application via the link available at

The annual grants are made possible by the membership of the Women’s Giving Circle. The Women’s Giving Circle is a group of philanthropic-minded women of all ages, means and backgrounds who combine their financial strength to make a positive change for the women and children throughout Jefferson County. The Women’s Giving Circle began in 2012 and has awarded over $185,000 back into the community since its creation

Annual membership (January 1 to December 31 of the calendar year) to the Women’s Giving Circle is open to any woman in Jefferson County and requires only a $100 tax-deductible contribution. Junior memberships are $50 and open to girls ages 18 and under. Of the $100 annual donation, $75 goes in a fund for immediate granting and $25 is placed in an endowment fund for future granting. The junior membership is split $25/$25.

Assets of the Women’s Giving Circle are held and maintained at the Community Foundation of Madison and Jefferson County (CFMJC). Established in 1991 by a group of local volunteers, CFMJC fulfills the mission of building a strong, vibrant community by helping donors provide perpetual funding for the people, projects, and passions of Jefferson County.

For more information about the Women’s Giving Circle Grant Cycle, visit, contact Kelly Miller at 812-274-0242, or email

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