Voting is open and will last through Tuesday, July 21.
Photo From Indiana State Police
(Indianapolis, Ind.) – The Indiana State Police (ISP) are asking for your votes to help them achieve the title of “Best Looking Cruiser” in the nation.
The American Association of State Troopers (AAST) is holding its annual “Best Looking Cruiser” contest to let cruisers across America battle it out to claim the top spot in the AAST 2021 wall calendar. The winner will be featured on the cover as well as being placed in the month of January. The top 12 cruisers will receive a spot on the calendar.
ISP is inviting the public to help the Hoosier cruiser to make it in the calendar.
Voting is now open until Tuesday, July 21, at 12:00 p.m. You may vote by going to the AAST Facebook page or going directly to