Both injuries do not appear to be life-threatening.
Press release from Madison Chief of Police John Wallace:
July 24, 2020, @ 3:25 PM the Madison Police responded to a personal injury accident @ McCubbin Motors 301 E. Clifty Drive. Vehicle driven by William T. Hoffman 72, Madison, Indiana, backed into a work bay of the facility at a high rate of speed, striking McCubbin Employee Daniel A. Price 30, Madison, Indiana. The employee was standing outside the building and attempted to avoid being struck, however was unable to do so. Mr. Price sustained a severe injury to his right leg, was transported to KDH-ER, and flown to the University of Louisville Hospital. Mr. Hoffman was also transported to KDH-ER and later flown to the University of Louisville Hospital with neck and back injuries. Both Hoffman and Price's injuries do not appear to be life threatening. Mr. Hoffman stated the accident occured when the SUV he was driving sped out of control in reverse. The operator stated he applied the brake, however the vehicle failed to stop. The investigation, which is being led by Madison Police Patrolman Brad Demaree is ongoing. Demaree is being assisted by an Indiana State Police accident reconstructionist. A passenger in the Hoffman vehicle, Tim Hoffman 70, Madison, Indiana, was treated at KDH-ER and released.