The Twentieth Annual Great U.S. 50 Yard Sale will be held Friday-Sunday, May 17-19, 2019. The yard sale started in 2000, stretching across most of Indiana. The goal is for it to grow into a Coast-to-Coast event held each year on the weekend before the Memorial Day weekend. The Great U.S. 50 Yard Sale also serves to promote tourism along U.S. 50, to unite the many diverse communities, to provide opportunities for fund raising by civic organizations, to aid the environment through recycling, and to serve as an opportunity for individuals to enjoy a great weekend of sales.
While promoted as a yard sale, the actual sales are limited only by the imagination and law. Individual communities and businesses along U.S. 50 are encouraged to have special promotions during this weekend. Vendors, especially antique and craft dealers, from all over the U.S. are welcome to join us.
This is a non-sponsored event, meaning that it is not promoted by any particular organization, but represents the efforts of volunteers and those who wish to promote their communities. As such, the nature of the sale will vary along the route. U.S. 50 is Constitution Avenue in Washington, DC. It is Wyatt Earp Blvd in Dodge City, Kansas. It crosses mountains and deserts, as well as farm land. In some communities U.S. 50 is now a super highway and the sale route might follow Old 50. With such diversity, many decisions will have to be made at the local level.
Knox County
Shyla Beam - Executive Director
Vincennes/Knox County Visitors & Tourism Bureau
779 South 6th Street Road
Vincennes, IN 47591
Phone: 812-886-0400
Phone: 800-886-6443
Email info@vincennescvb.org
Daviess County & Martin County
In collaboration with the US 50 Yard Sale,
Daviess County will be having the Rail Fest on Main Street & Depot Street in Washington,
Heartbeat of Washington Battle of the Bands and Vendor Fair on Main Street
and Wool Fiber Arts Fair at the Conservation Club in Washington.
Space Available - Decker's Bakery, corner of U.S. 50 and SW 2nd ST.
Decker's Bakery is willing to let people set up on their lot.
Angle Inn in Washington will have approx. 10 spaces available for people to
set up booths. The address is 710 W. Natl. Hwy 50.
Yoder’s Automotive, Corner of US 50 and SW 2nd St, east side of parking lot.
Martin County Chamber of Commerce
Carolyn Parsons-Downey
108 Mill St.
Loogootee IN 47553
Lawrence County
Executive Director
Lawrence County Tourism Commission
533 W. Main St.
Mitchell, IN 47446
Phone: 812-276-2074 Cell: 812-583-1081
800-798-0769 Fax: 812-849-0168
Contact: Beck Allen
1749 US HWY 50 E
Tel.: 1-812-276-2074
E-MAIL: beckstimelesstreasures@gmail.com
Jackson County
Jane Hays
Jackson County Visitor Center
100 N. Broadway Street
Seymour, IN 47274
Phone 1-812-524-1914
Toll free 1-855-524-1914
Fax 1-812-524-1915
E-mail: jane@jacksoncountyin.com
Brownstown Lions Club, Brownstown, IN
has has FISH FRY in conjunction with the US 50 yard sale
We are at the Jackson County Court House Square,
at approx. 92.7 mile marker
Contact: John Wm. Spurgeon, Sec.
Email: john@jcia40.net
Jennings County
Jennings County Visitors Denter
375 N Hwy 3&7
North Vernon, IN 47265
Tel: 1-812-346-4865
Tel: 1-800-928-3667
e-mail <visit@Jenningsco.org>
Rockey Top Truck Stop - 100 Space available
six miles west of North Vernon
Tel: 1-812-346-9909
Amvets Post 7
North Vernon
Hunter Dean & Kathleen Patton
Email: dkpattons@gmail.com
Parking lot sale off of Hwy 50 this year!
Ripley County
The US 50 Yard Sale will be held in Ripley County May 17-19th
Ripley County Tourist Bureau
220 East U.S. 50, P.O. Box 21
Versailles, IN 47042
Tel: 1-812-689-7431
e-mail ripleycountytourism@gmail.com