As Anderson Elementary re-opens
Traffic pattern in the area of Anderson Elementary School will change as classes resume on Wednesday, August 14.
The school campus will be closed to thru traffic (the gates connecting Cherry Drive and the surrounding neighborhood will be closed) Monday - Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., as it was when Anderson Elementary was open previously as full elementary school.
All morning and afternoon traffic entering campus will be routed one way entering from Michigan Road onto Cherry Drive and exiting via the new access road back onto Michigan Road.
“We ask everyone to be more cautious as they travel through this area as we expect slight traffic delays at peak times throughout the day,'' shares district SRO Tim Armstrong. “With the temporary closure of Hanging Rock Hill, we realize traffic patterns are already more congested. For that reason, we will have law enforcement assistance between 7 - 8 a.m. and 2:30 - 3 p.m. to help direct traffic entering and leaving campus during morning drop off and afternoon dismissal.”
We appreciate your patience and diligence for student safety as we begin our new school year.