What it is all about
It has been brought to the Clerk’s Office attention that a social media post has raised concerns regarding “voter purge”. The voter purge is known as the Statewide Voter List Maintenance.
The Indiana Election Division is required to conduct a state-funded residency address confirmation and outreach during each odd-numbered year. (IC 3-7-38.2-16.1) As a part of this program, the state sends a non-forwardable mailing to each active voter in Indiana at their mailing address.
This is then followed up by a second forwardable mailing sent to those whose first mailing was returned as undeliverable. The registration record of those who do not respond to the second mailing or for whom the second mailing was also returned as USPS undeliverable as defined in IC 3-5-2-49.7 is marked as “inactive” at that address.
An “inactive voter remains eligible to vote at their registration address, assuming the individual continues to reside at the address or otherwise qualify to do so under a “fail safe provision”. If an “inactive” voter fails to vote in any one election during the period in which the next two federal general elections are conducted (November election in even-numbered years), then the individual’s registration is cancelled and the person must re-register to vote.
If you have concerns that this maintenance may have affected your voter registration you can contact the Voter Registration Office at 812-265-8926 or go online to Indianavoters.com.
For additional information, contact Tabatha Eblen or Beverly Ringwald at the Clerk's Office, 812-265-7614