Next Level RoadsProject
The Indiana Department of Transportation plans to close State Road 3 at a culvert replacement site—located 2.6 miles south of the S.R. 7 junction at Vernon in Jennings County— for up to 20 days, beginning Monday, June 4. A signed detour will route motorists around the site via U.S. 50, I-65 and S.R. 256.
This small structure replacement operation is part of a $2,634,279 7-bridge/culvert improvement project on S.R. 3 and S.R. 7 in Jennings and Decatur Counties. Dave O’Mara is INDOT’s contractor.
Installation of a new S.R. 3 culvert at Wyaloosing Creek in Decatur County—located 16.1 miles north of S.R. 7—was completed prior to the Memorial Day weekend (MAY 25) north of Westport.