Four local groups receive awards
The fifth disbursement of “Operation Roundup” funds totaling $59,481.00 was awarded to 30 recipients from 7 counties comprising the REMC’s service territory at a special awards ceremony held Tuesday evening February 5, 2019 at the REMC Community Building. The 9- member Operation Roundup Board of Trustees met January 24th and determined that these 30 grant applications met all the requirements. The grant money is made possible through the generosity of the REMC membership by “rounding up” their monthly electric bill to the nearest dollar amount. The next opportunity to receive an Operation Roundup grant is scheduled for July 2019. Applications will be accepted in the month of June 2019. You can obtain more information about Operation Roundup program or download a grant application and guidelines at The following projects received Operation Roundup funding:
Deputy Fire Department Purchase equipment $10,000.00
Big Brothers Big Sisters Jefferson County One to One mentoring program for children facing adversity $1,000.00
Lide White Boys & Girls Club Equipment for STEM Program $2,500.00
Jefferson Co. Historical Society Purchase Acid Free Storage Boxes for Artifacts $1,400.00