Minor snow accumulations
Light rain is expected to change to snow showers tonight.
Minor snow accumulations expected by Monday morning.
Stay up to date on the latest forecasts if you will be on the road late tonight or Monday morning.
Sunday, December 1, 2019 at 10:15 AM
By NWS- Louisville
Minor snow accumulations
Light rain is expected to change to snow showers tonight.
Minor snow accumulations expected by Monday morning.
Stay up to date on the latest forecasts if you will be on the road late tonight or Monday morning.
K-12 public education is a focal point of the two-year state budget.
Lengthy investigation led to the arrest
The manual shares strategies to effectively prosecute cases under Kentucky law
K-12 public education is a focal point of the two-year state budget.
Lengthy investigation led to the arrest
The manual shares strategies to effectively prosecute cases under Kentucky law
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Any missing scores or to report a score email news@953wiki.com
Any missing scores or to report a score email news@953wiki.com