Shrewsbury-Windle House, designed by Indiana’s leading early 19th century architect, Francis Costigan
The Board of Directors of Historic Madison, Inc. invites the public to celebrate the Grand Rededication of the award winning, restored Shrewsbury-Windle House National Historic Landmark on Saturday June 23 from 6 – 9 pm at 301 West First Street in Madison, Indiana.
Tickets are $35 per person and reservations are required. Sponsorship level tickets are available at the $65, $125 or $300 levels. Reserve your ticket today by calling the Historic Madison, Inc. office at (812) 265-2967, emailing hmi@historicmadisoninc.com, or by visiting the office at 500 West Street. The reservation deadline is June 18 at 4 pm. Space is limited. Tickets will be held at the door on the day of the event. Proceeds from this fundraiser benefit the Shrewsbury-Windle House. T
he festivities on June 23 include self-guided tours of the house, live music, a silent auction, an art sale and a rededication program at 7:30, including the reading of a proclamation from Governor Eric Holcomb announcing June 23 as Shrewsbury-Windle House National Historic Landmark Day in the state of Indiana in honor of the restoration. Hors d’ oeuvres and a cash bar will be available.
The Shrewsbury-Windle House, designed by Indiana’s leading early 19th century architect, Francis Costigan and completed in 1849 is recognized by the US Secretary of the Interior as a masterpiece of Greek Revival architecture. The Drawing Rooms are among the best preserved examples of pre-Civil War interior design in the United States, with rare original paint and varnish finishes, restored original gas light fixtures (now electrified), a reproduction carpet and original furniture, family oil portraits and much more. The home’s 53-step spiral staircase is an architectural and engineering marvel. Its massive 12 foot tall entry doors are unrivalled in the country.
The home was lovingly cared for between 1849 and 2009 by the Shrewsbury and Wyatt families, the Walker family and by John and Ann Windle who founded Historic Madison, Inc. (HMI) in the home in 1960. In 2011 the estate of Ann Windle deeded the property to HMI to maintain it as a “historically correct example of architecture for the cultural enrichment of people.”
Beginning shortly thereafter, HMI completed an extensive 600-plus page report to guide the restoration inside and out, from rooftop to cellar, including all new mechanical systems. In 2015 a $2.5 million capital campaign to support this work and rehabilitate an adjacent historic building for HMI’s new office space was announced. The June 23 event celebrates the completion of the first and major goal of this plan.
More than 120 donors from across the United States have pledged $2,458,033 to the campaign. Campaign pledges and contributions are still being accepted.
The Shrewsbury-Windle House will once again be used for events and educational programs. The property will be available for group tours of 10 or more by advance reservation of at least two weeks. Use of the property and the grounds for appropriately scaled special events and programs will begin in the near future.
Historic Madison, Inc. is a not-for-profit historic preservation organization dedicated to the preservation and restoration of Madison’s architectural heritage. HMI is pleased to acknowledge the following sponsors of the Shrewsbury-Windle House Grand Rededication: Title Sponsor: Morgan Foods, Inc; Diamond Sponsors: Ratio Architects, Repp & Mundt, Inc., General Contractors; Platinum Sponsors: Goelzer Investment Management, German American Bank – Wealth Advisory Group: Gold Sponsors: Assured Partners, the Kellems Family, First Financial Bank, Midwest Maintenance, Inc., Nading Mechanical, Inc, and The Engineering Collaborative. For reservations or additional information contact Historic Madison, Inc. by June 18 at 4pm by calling (812) 265-2967 or by email at hmi@historicmadisoninc.com.