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Shawe Jr/ Sr High School Collects 1,625 Items for St. Vincent de Paul

For the second year in a row, the class of 2020 came out on top with the most items donated.

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(Madison, Ind.) - This past week Shawe Memorial Jr/ Sr High School held its annual Lenten Food Drive and More.

For this drive the collected very specific items at the request of St. Vincent de Paul’s request, the items were spaghetti sauce, hamburger & tuna helpers, peanut butter & jelly, canned fruit, cereal, laundry soap, dish soap, shampoo, toothpaste & body wash.

 With those specific requests, the school was able to collect 1,625 items. The also received 182 additional items that will be included in their donations.  

Administrative Assistant Bonnie Wentworth said,

“We are very proud of our students, although we did have a contest to keep them motivated; they knew they wanted to give to their community and it was apparent because they brought items in every day.”

For the second year in a row, the class of 2020 came out on top with the most items donated, for that they won a field trip to Laser Command and a pizza lunch on March 16. Their class will also receive a plaque outside of the school office.

The donation number by each class are:

Seniors (19 students) - 584 items

Juniors (21 students) - 363 items

Sophomores (22 students) - 236 items

Freshmen (49 students) - 224 items

8th grade (37 students) - 86 items

7th grade (33 students) - 132 items