As a reminder, Prince of Peace School students are all receiving free lunches, through the generosity of the USDA.
(Madison, Ind.) – Shawe Memorial and Pope John School announced on Tuesday that they will be moving to virtual learning until November 17.
The school announced yesterday that they will be providing 6 days of lunches for the students. This mean pickup will begin on Monday, November 9 from 11:00 a.m. until noon behind Pope John.
As a reminder, Prince of Peace School students are all receiving free lunches, through the generosity of the USDA. Free meals will be available for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year, the six meals provided will be free of charge.
If you would like to pick up meals for your student(s), you are asked to contact the school no later than Friday, November 6 by emailing or (812) 273-3957 press “0”.
The meals will be:
- Salisbury Steak, Chicken Strips, Spaghetti and meat sauce, hamburgers, cheese quesadilla, and pulled pork sandwiches.
- Vegetables, fruit, salad, and milk will be included.