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Sgt. Stephen Wheeles Releases Important Information Regarding the Stay at Home Order

Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 2:38 PM

By Sgt. Stephen Wheels- Indiana State Police

Stay at Home Executive Order went into effect at 11:59 pm on March 24 and will go until 11:59 p.m. on April 6.

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(Versailles, Ind.) - Sgt. Stephen Wheeles from the Indiana State Police Versailles Post has released important information regarding the Stay at Home Executive Order which was issued by Gov. Holcomb went into effect at 11:59 pm on March 24 and will go until 11:59 p.m. on April 6, unless extended. 

The information is as follows:

-Anyone conducting essential travel will not be in violation of the order (Find what qualifies as essential travel at where the order and FAQ page associated with it can be viewed)

-If you work as an employee of an essential business (lists of essential businesses can be found in the executive order or FAQ page) you are allowed to travel to and from work

-Indiana residents are NOT required to have a work permit or other documentation to show they are traveling to or from work and are in compliance with the order. Simply tell the officer your reason for travel if you are asked.

-Donating blood is an essential function. There is a shortage of blood being donated due to the virus. So, please donate if you are healthy, bored, and want to get out of your house to help make a difference. Contact the American Red Cross to find a donation site near you.

-It is a Class B Misdemeanor to violate this order

-Police will NOT be randomly stopping people or conducting roadblocks in an attempt to find those violating the order

-The Indiana State Police is focused on serving the citizens of Indiana during the COVID-19 pandemic, which includes helping to mitigate the spread of the virus. The Department's response will focus on educating our citizens of the orders that are in place, directing them back to their home, the steps they can take to practice social distancing to keep their families healthy, and providing appropriate avenues to seek additional information. If an extraordinary situation requires enforcement in order to protect public safety, the issuance of a citation or physical arrest may be the necessary course of action to be taken

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