Repair scams from recent storms
With the recent storms that brought high winds and large hail to the area many residents of Jefferson County suffered damage to their homes and vehicles. Please be aware this will unfortunately bring in people into our area who will try and scam our great citizens in their time of need. Some companies will want you to sign documents or give a down payment before giving you an estimate. This should set off red flags. Most reputable companies will offer free estimates and not make you sign any documents until you agree for them to do the work. We suggest that you do your research on any company before you hire them to make the repairs.
We have been made aware that there are several out of town companies that have come to Jefferson County over the weekend going door to door offering their services. There have also been several vehicle dent-less repair companies come to the area as well offering their services. We urge you to do your research before hiring any company for these services to avoid being taken advantage of.