On August 1, the parks department will re-evaluate this decision.
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(Madison, Ind.) - Effective Wednesday, July 15, the City of Madison Parks Department will be suspending all activities at Rucker Sports Complex until at least August 1.
This decision was made after being informed of two positive cases of COVID-19 from participants of the complex.
"Today, we learned that two individuals who have visited Rucker Sports Complex tested positive for COVID-19. Upon discussing these results with the Jefferson County Health Department and Mayor Bob Courtney, we believe the best decision for the community's health and those who use the facility is to suspend all activities at Rucker," said Parks Director Seth Pennington.
As of today, all games and practices will be suspended.
This includes city softball and baseball leagues and travel teams that use Rucker and other city parks facilities. All field rentals and tournaments will not be permitted during this time.
Additionally, practices and games will not be permitted at John Paul Park.
On August 1, the parks department will re-evaluate this decision.
All questions should be directed to the City of Madison Parks Department, 812-265-8308. Additional information pertaining to the two individuals who tested positive will not be shared.