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Public hearing for proposed intersection improvement project at S.R. 56 and Boatman Road planned for tonight

Doors open at 5:30 p.m., presentation begins at 6 p.m. at Mid America Science Park in Scottsburg


SCOTT COUNTY, Ind.— The Indiana Department of Transportation will hold a public hearing for a proposed intersection improvement project at S.R. 56 and Boatman Road in Scott County tonight, April 5 at the Mid America Science Park in Scottsburg (821 S Lake Rd. Scottsburg, IN 47170). Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. to allow the public time to view displays and talk with project personnel prior to the hearing. A presentation will begin at 6 p.m.

The hearing is an opportunity for the public to provide official comments on the environmental document and other related materials for the proposed intersection improvement project. 

The preferred alternative proposes converting the existing four-way stop intersection to a single-lane roundabout. A roundabout would enhance safety at the intersection by reducing the number and severity of collisions at this location. The project would also include pavement replacement and intersection lighting. Contract letting is currently scheduled for 2025.

Public statements for the record will be taken as part of the public hearing. All verbal statements recorded during the hearing and all written comments submitted prior to, during and for a period of two weeks following the hearing date, will be evaluated, considered and addressed in subsequent environmental documentation. Written comments may be submitted prior to the public hearing and within the comment period to: William Fortson, INDOT Project Manager at INDOT Seymour District, 185 Agrico Lane, Seymour, IN 47274 or INDOT requests comments be submitted by April 5, 2023. 

With advance notice, INDOT will provide accommodations for persons with disabilities with regards to participation and access to project information as part of the hearings process including arranging auxiliary aids, interpretation services for the hearing impaired, services for the sight impaired and other services as needed. In addition, INDOT will provide accommodations for persons of Limited English Proficiency (LEP) requiring auxiliary aids including language interpretation services and document conversion. Should accommodation be required please contact William Fortson at the address or email listed above.

The environmental document and preliminary design plans are available to view prior to the public hearing at the following location:

Persons with limited internet access may request project information be mailed by contacting Shawn Strange with First Group Engineering at 317-290-9549.

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