Biehle Electric, Inc.
Jennings Co. Sheriff's Deputy Ian McPherson was dispatched to Biehle Electric, Inc. 9605 W US Hwy 50, in reference to a suspicious vehicle that was parked on the business property. The vehicle and its occupants were unknown to employees.
Upon arrival, Deputy McPherson made contact with the two occupants of the vehicle. It was discovered that the North Vernon couple had been stranded after their vehicle had run out of gas. The couple reported that they had been stranded since 7:00 pm the day prior.
The couple had attempted to contact friends and family, but none of them showed up to assist. The couple slept in their vehicle overnight. The couple reported that they had no money. Deputy McPherson took it upon himself to travel to Seymour where he obtained a gas can and purchased several gallons of gasoline using his own money for the couple in need.
After arriving back on scene Deputy McPherson assisted the couple with fueling up their vehicle. The couple was then able to continue their travels back to their residence.