OVO may be able to help you pay your past due balance on your electric bill.
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(Madison, Ind.) - Ohio Valley Opportunities announced today that the C.A.R.E.S. Project is beginning today for residents in Jefferson, Jennings, and Scott Counties.
This project is on a first come first serve basis, for those who are at risk of having their electric disconnected due to the moratorium disconnection ending soon.
OVO may be able to help you pay your past due balance on your electric bill.
The requirements of qualification are as follows:
- Must be under the 200% Federal Poverty Level
- Must have made a payment on the account since March 6, 2020
- Must have electric past due to balance on the bill
- Bill must be in the name of a household member
If you would like to see if you qualify you can call OVO at (812) 265-5858.