Plans to Have CEO in place by summer
The newly-formed Bethany Legacy Foundation, resulting from the recent ownership transfer of King’s Daughters’ Health to Norton Healthcare, will address health and wellness needs in Madison and Jefferson County. Governed by a volunteer board of directors, the foundation is initially focused on hiring a Chief Executive Officer to direct its charitable operations, according to board chair Darleen Connolly. Woodhouse Executive Search has been engaged to lead a regional and nationwide search, and the new CEO is expected to be in place by summer 2022. “We’re excited about the potential of this foundation to have a significant impact on the community,” said Connolly. She indicated that this first year will be the development phase for the organization, building its structure and developing expansive processes necessary for operating a private foundation. More information will be shared over coming months as the foundation begins its work. Bethany Legacy Foundation has its roots in the Bethany Circle of King’s Daughters and Sons, founded in 1896, which over the next 120 years grew the hospital into a regional healthcare center meeting the needs of a large multi-state region. The new foundation hopes to continue the visionary efforts of its founders.