Meals will be available for pick up each day between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
(Madison, Ind.) - Madison Consolidated Schools announced that they will once again be making breakfast and lunch meals available at no cost to students in buildings that are closed at this time for virtual learning.
The school will continue to try and provide meal services during extended closure periods unless ordered by the state to shelter in place. To reserve your meals you can fill out this form, or call the school.
Meals will be available for pick up each day between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
The following information for pickup at each location:
- Madison Consolidated High School - drive through pick up at Door 3
- Anderson Elementary School - main office door lobby entrance
- Lydia Middleton Elementary School - third street entrance door
If you are to call in your reservation, the school is asking that you provide the first and last name of the student, your email address or phone number, the school the student will be picking up their meals, and the date that you will pick up meals.
To call and reserve meals you can dial (812) 274-8104.
Masks are required for meal pickup.