Changes made to opening procedures for Madison Schools
Hello Madison families!
We hope you have received (or will soon!) your July Back to School edition of The District Correspondent.
As promised, there has been a change! With information changing as quickly as it is right now, we certainly appreciate your patience as we work to keep things as current as possible. The link above takes you to a revised version of page 3, which reflects changes made to the open house plans at MJHS.
MJHS is moving all Open Houses to virtual events. Mr. Grill will be sending out additional information to families this week. We realize there are lots of questions but his team is going above and beyond to make sure they are creating videos, communications, and fun things to ease minds and transitions for those new to the building! Stay tuned and watch for information!
We have attached a copy of the revised page 3 which has all pertinent dates and times by school location for your convenience or to hang at home. Registration dates can be found on page 1 of the paper. Should you need to complete online registration for RETURNING students, please log into your Skyward Family Access account and click Online Registration to get started. Should you have trouble or need password assistance, please contact our tech gurus at technologysupport@madison.k12.in.us - they are happy to assist!
As a reminder, all students age 8/Grade 3 and above will be required to wear a mask when school begins as previously communicated in our press release last week. Please visit our Back to School resources folder for up to date information. We will be revising the overall plan today to reflect the mask mandate per the Governor's Executive Order.
Our clerks return to our buildings tomorrow! We will be so excited to have them available to answer any building-specific questions you may have regarding the upcoming school year. Remember, if your student will be attending virtually for the 2020-2021 school year, you will need to contact your principal to set an appointment to discuss the virtual learning expectations and contract for learning. Phone numbers can be found in the District Correspondent or contact information is available on our website by visiting madison.k12.in.us, select your school from the Schools drop-down menu, and select Contacts from the drop-down menu. Simply click on the name of the individual you wish to contact and complete the form.
Have a great Tuesday!