Each person who attends will need an ID and proof of address as well. Proof of addresses can be your water bill, the electric bill, etc.
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(Madison, Ind.) – The Madison Salvation Army will be hosting another drive-through style food giveaway today for those in need.
The giveaway will be from 2:00 until 4:00 p.m., and it is asked that you enter at the corner of 3rd and Walnut.
Those who attend can only receive one box per car unless there are two families represented in the vehicle, then both will need to have an ID and proof of address.
Each person who attends will need an ID and proof of address as well. Proof of addresses can be your water bill, the electric bill, etc.
You may also pick up a box for a senior, it is asked by the Salvation Army that you have a letter of permission from them along with their proof of address and ID.