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Long-time Pope John Elementary Teacher Michele Barlow to receive Golden Shamrock Award

She will be given the award on Jan 30th


Madison, IN, January 8, 2025 — Prince of Peace Catholic Schools has announced Mrs. Michele Barlow as the Golden Shamrock Award winner 2025.

The Golden Shamrock Award is the Highest Award within Prince of Peace Catholic Schools. It is based on criteria such as long-term support of the schools, long-term community and volunteer service, positive image in the community, and much more.

Mrs. Barlow, a 1967 Shawe Memorial High School graduate, was a fantastic teacher at Pope John Elementary School for 35 years, beginning in 1980. During her teaching days at Pope John, Barlow taught every grade from 1st through 6th grade. She also was very instrumental in the inception and creation of the first Pope John and Shawe Auction Dinner, the biggest fundraiser that our schools have each year. After her retirement in 2015, Barlow continued to be an evident and involved part of Pope John and Shawe.

Some of the other accolades from Michele Barlow during her time as a teacher and after retirement include:

● Coached Math Bowl and Spell Bowl

● Created and ran a Book Club for advanced readers

● Awarded the Mother Theodore Guerin Education Award in 2005

● Continued tutoring students during and after school after retirement.

● Weekly volunteer in the Pope John Cafeteria

● Helps several teachers in their classrooms years after retirement

● Attends most events at the schools, whether it is academic or athletic

With all of the things she has done for Shawe and Pope John, Barlow has also been very involved in the Madison and Jefferson County Communities for years. Some of her community involvement includes:

● Past president of Prince of Peace Ladies Organization

● Tri-Kappa - served on Scholarship and Tour of Homes Committees

● Girls Inc. board member

● First female President of Boys and Girls Club of Jefferson County

● Currently serves on the Board of Women’s Giving Circle


Mrs. Michele Barlow will receive her Golden Shamrock Award on Thursday, January 30th, at a special ceremony after an 8:30 AM All-School Mass in the Shawe Gymnasium to celebrate Catholic Schools Week.

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