The grants are designed to improve connectivity and increase devices available to students and teachers.
(Indianapolis, Ind.) – Local schools are benefiting from a new grant program to improve connectivity and increase device and resources available to students and teachers.
Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb announced Wednesday that $61 million in Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) funding is being distributed to school corporations, colleges, and universities throughout the Hoosier state.
The grants will fund a minimum of 68,689 student devices, nearly 2,900 teacher devices, and more than 85,000 connectivity solutions, according to information provided by applicants.
Submitted application plans included the purchase or upgrade of students and teacher devices and laptops, including Chromebooks, MacBooks, and iPads. Plans also included mi-fi devices with corresponding subscription plans for families who lack reliable internet connectivity.
Locally, Canaan Community Academy was awarded $52,430.
- Jennings County was awarded 1,622,400
- Milan was awarded $250,000
- Scott County District 1 was awarded $48,000
- Southwestern was awarded $275,000
- Switzerland County was awarded $64,000
- East Washington/ Salem was awarded $162,588
Grant awardees 184 traditional school corporations representing 1,366 schools, 64 public charter schools, and 124 non-public schools. There are almost 674,500 students enrolled in schools receiving these grants.
GEER was established by the federal CARES Act. Traditional public-school corporations, public charter schools, accredited non-public schools, higher education institutions, and other education-related entities were eligible to apply. An application could be completed by a single school corporation or a combination of eligible education entities.
To view a full list of grant recipients is available here.