Farewell Sunday, June 23rd
Each year, The Salvation Army Leadership prayerfully and carefully strategizes the location of their officers. Each Officer’s stay of their appointment varies in length. Each officer brings different skills, ideas, and talents, but all bring the compassion and mission of Jesus Christ.
June 2015, Lieutenants Brenna Lee and Vinal Lee were appointed to Madison, Indiana. Eight days shortly after their wedding day, they moved down to Madison and immediately were greeted by southern hospitality, love and acceptance; they were also immediately blown away by the beauty of Madison! One of their first, “no one is going to believe us,” moments was their first drive down Hanging Rock Hill as they gazed at the waterfalls!
The Salvation Army of the Central Territory released information May 3 at 10a that Captain Brenna Lee & Lieutenant Vinal Lee are transferring to The Salvation Army Indianapolis-Fountain Square Corps (Church.) Captain Brenna has also received an additional appointment as the Indiana Division’s Intercultural Ministries Coordinator. The Lees shared, “Madison will forever have a piece of our hearts. It will forever be our first home together; a place where we’ve grown. A place where we’ve been loved and supported.” They will greatly miss their congregation, amazing team of employees and volunteers, advisory board, Fine Arts & Club 3:16 families, really the whole community has become family. They continued to share that Madison has been a wonderful opportunity for them in life and in ministry. “We will be forever grateful,” expressed Lt. Vinal Lee.
Although, it’s difficult to say goodbye, they exclaimed, “we could not be any happier about who is coming next to Madison! Our friends, Lieutenants Justin & Stephanie Hartley (currently stationed in Clinton, IA) along with their three boys Landon (6) Noah (3) and Asher (13 months.) Their family brings great vision, skills, work ethnic and most importantly love for God and compassion for His people!”
The Lee’s Farewell Sunday will be June 23, 2019. The Hartley’s Welcome Sunday will be June 30, 2019.