Overall, the Who’s Hiring campaign has had over 1,000 employers join, posting almost 80,000 positions to date.
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(Frankfort, Ky.) - Finding employment is a critical part of an individual’s journey to recover from substance use disorder or re-enter society after serving a prison sentence. A good job offers income, stability and helps build self-esteem, feelings of self-sufficiency, and a sense of independence.
To help lessen the stress a job search can create for people in recovery or who were recently released from prison, the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce Workforce Center has added Fair Chance Employers (also known as Second Chance Employers) to its online Who’s Hiring campaign.
The Who’s Hiring campaign, launched in March in partnership with the Education and Workforce Cabinet, helps connect employers and Kentuckians looking for work. Employers who hire people in recovery or who have been incarcerated – Fair Chance Employers – are identified by location as well as jobs they have available.
With the first listing of this kind in Kentucky, the Chamber hopes to raise awareness among those looking for work that Fair Chance Employers are hiring. To date, 110 Fair Chance Employers have posted available positions totaling more than 1,100 jobs across the state.
Overall, the Who’s Hiring campaign has had over 1,000 employers join, posting almost 80,000 positions to date.
In response to the large volume of available jobs and to more efficiently connect Kentuckians to available jobs, the Who’s Hiring campaign has partnered with ULIMI. The Kentucky-based technology company has made the Who's Hiring campaign dynamic and searchable and allows people to make inquiries to have a real-time, automated conversation about what jobs are available in their area. These A.I. features will launch with the Who’s Hiring report on June 30, 2020.