All non-essential businesses shall remain closed.
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(Jennings County, Ind.) – Jennings County along with many other counties in Indiana and all 50 states have experiences confirmed cases of the Coronavirus.
Due to these positive cases and the Declaration of Public Health Emergency for the State of Indiana which was issued by Governor Holcomb on March 6, the Jennings County Board of Commissioners has declared a public health emergency effective today March 23, at 8:00 a.m.
This declaration implements some travel restrictions, permitting only essential travel, such as going to and from work, travel related to medical care, travel for food, groceries, medication, essential household good, and hygiene products, and other essential services.
The declaration also states for a two week period only critical essential businesses shall remain open. All other non-essential businesses shall remain closed, including all Jennings County government officers not specifically listed below as “essential.”
Critical essential businesses to remain open include:
a. Essential Jennings County government offices, including the following:
i. Jennings County Health Department
ii. Jennings County Sheriff's Department
iii. Jennings County 911
iv. Jennings County EMS
v. Jennings County EMA
vi. Jennings County Highway Department
vii. Jennings County Courts, including Clerk and Security, allowing only for operations as ordered by the Indiana Supreme Court in its March 19, 2020 Order on Jennings' County Petitioner for AR 17 Emergency Relief.
viii. All fire departments
ix. Any other office, agency, or business providing relief services and efforts in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
b. Grocery stores;
c. Funeral homes;
d. All health care service providers, including doctor offices, hospitals, pharmacies, and
therapy establishments;
e. Banks, lending institutions and all other related businesses;
f. Gas Stations and auto repair businesses;
g. Convenience stores;
h. "Dollar'' stores;
i. Day Care facilities;
j. Restaurants and bars-carry-out, delivery and drive-up only;
k. Utility and Trash Services;
I. Airport;
m. Postal services/Fed Ex and UPS:
n. Veterinarian clinics:
o. Home Improvement/hardware:
p. Hotels/motels:
q. Laundromats:
r. Public and Private transportation,
s. Agricultural operations: pet stores:
t. Legal services:
u. Social Service agencies:
v. Industry either directly or indirectly providing goods or services to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
The commissioner would also like to reiterate that there should be no public gatherings of more than ten people and all residents should attempt if possible, to maintain a social distance of six feet or more from others. The 10 -person restriction does not apply to workplaces so long as the social distancing guidelines are followed.
The declaration also stated “This is an ongoing and evolving public health crisis. Refusal to comply may result in the suspension of permits as well as fines by Order of the Jennings County Health Department and the Jennings County Health Officer under IC 16-20-1-19 and IC 16-20-1-21.”