With this ranking, it put Jefferson County’s unemployment rate higher than that of the states which are 12.3 percent.
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(Indianapolis, Ind.) -The Indiana Department of Workforce Development’s May employment report was released yesterday.
In the midst of the pandemic, Jefferson County’s May unemployment rate is 14.6 percent lower than what was seen in April where the rate was 21.8.
Even with the dropping numbers, Jefferson County is still ranked number 13 for unemployment. With this ranking, it put Jefferson County’s unemployment rate higher than that of the states which are 12.3 percent.
Neighboring counties with rates about that of the state are Jennings (15.6 percent unemployment), Scott (18.1 percent unemployment), and Switzerland (15.2 percent unemployment).
Ripley County has an unemployment rate lower than the state rate with 11.5 percent.
To view the ranking and unemployment rates by county click here.