The disposal will be on Saturday April 27 from ten to noon.
Flyer from Jefferson County Health Department
(Madison, IN) - The Jefferson County Health Department in partnership with the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office, City of Madison Police Department, and Health Communities Initiative of Jefferson County will be hosting a disposal drop-off for prescriptions and syringes.
The proper disposal of these can help prevent theft and substance abuse. Studies show that most abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including from the home medicine cabinet. Americans are now advised that their usual methods for disposing unused medicines with either flushing them down the toilet or throwing them in the trash pose potential safety and health hazards.
Bring your pills and/or syringes for disposal to the Jefferson County Health Department on Saturday April 27 from ten to noon at 715 Green Rd., Madison, IN. The service is free and anonymous; no questions asked.
Reminder you can also bring used syringes to the Jefferson County Health Department, anytime during office hours, Monday through Friday. Unused/unwanted medications can be dropped off anytime at the City of Madison Police Department or at the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office during regular hours.