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Jefferson County and The Second Amendment

The topic of the Jefferson County Commissioners meeting February 6 was one that has been a big debate in not only the sate of Indiana, but in many other states.

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(Jefferson County, Ind.) - The topic of the Jefferson County Commissioners meeting on February 6, was one that has been a big debate not only the state of Indiana but in many other states. 

The second amendment. 

It has come to the surface that many surrounding counties have stated that they are making their county a Second Amendment Sanctuary. 

What this means is that the city, town, or county has adopted a resolution rejecting the enforcement of state or federal gun laws perceived to violate the Second Amendment. 

The first was Jennings County, Sheriff Kenny Freeman along with the State Rep. Jim Lucas and North Vernon Mayor Mike Ochs who were the first to sign a resolution to make their county a Second Amendment Sanctuary on January 17, 2020. 

Since then three more Sheriff's stepped up to comment on the second amendment, first was Scott County Sheriff Jerry Goodin, followed by Switzerland County Sheriff Brian L. Morton, and then Jefferson County Sheriff David Thompson. 

All thee stating that they hear the concerns of their residents but they swore on an oath to stand with the Constitution of the United States, the State of Indiana, and the amendments that come with both. 

Now the citizens of Jefferson County are giving their input. 

There has been a petition going around the county that has accumulated over 2,000 signatures on it which was presented to the commissioners at tonight's meeting. 

Those signatures were all of residents stating that they stand with the Second Amendment Sanctuary. 

Jefferson County resident, Warren Auxier, who is against the measure had this to say,

"I am a gun owner I have had my conceal and carry for the past 45 years or so and I am a strong supporter of the second amendment, with that being said I would like the commissioners to be cautious moving forward, there may be laws that I disagree with but I have not been made aware that I am the person who gets to decide to change those laws, just like you."

When it comes to those who support and those who are against it will be a never-ending fight between the two sides. One resident who is a supporter of making Jefferson County a Second Amendment Sanctuary had this to say,

"What I am more standing towards is when are the restrictions going to stop, if they pass laws to take away things that you already have who is going to tell this gentleman [the police officer] that he has to be the first one through the door of that house to try to take that guy's second amendment rights away. Nobody has that right to tell him that he has to be the first one through that door if your not willing to be the first one through the doors and you support laws like that then maybe you should be the first one through the door."

There were many thoughts on the topic both for and against making Jefferson County a Second Amendment sanctuary making for very lively debates. In the end, it all came down to there will need to be more discussion on the topic by the commissioners and then they will get back to the public.

"I know we will have disagreements and that is good this is how we are going to work through them. I'm not promising, I don't know what we'll do but we will look through this stuff and let you know what we feel our authority is, but we are open to talk about it," said Commissioner Dave Bramer.


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