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Jefferson County Alternative to Suspension Program

This is a correlation of all the area schools and local government

In partnership with Jefferson County Courts, Jefferson County Court Services, The City of Madison ,and the Southwestern School District we will open the Jefferson County Alternative to Suspension Program (JCASP) for students in grades 7-12.

The Jefferson Circuit Court and Jefferson County Court Services understand the correlation between education and juvenile delinquency. When a student, grades 7 through 12, is suspended, the opportunity to learn is lost for the days they are not in school. They are also potentially unsupervised and more at risk of engaging indelinquent acts. JCASP provides a classroom setting with a certified teacher and instructional support personnel present to work with the students. The suspended juveniles will report to this classroom from 8:00 am-3:30 pm. The classroom is located at The Brown Memorial Gymnasium(100BroadwayStreet). This space,and internet use,have been generously donated by the City of Madison, as city  offcials also recognize the importance of education.

Morning hours will consist of assignments and study, with additional programming provided by local affliates, such as a presentation on vaping or the consequences of actions. Students will participate in community service in the afternoons. The students will be under constant supervision while in the classroom and performing community service. If a student is on probation and required to perform community service hours as a condition of that supervision, these hours will count toward that obligation.

We are sending this information to you today to make you aware of an addendum to the Student Handbook for both MJHS and MCHS that was approved by the Board of School Trustees last night. If assigned to this program, students are required to attend.

JCASP-Suspension School

When a student is suspended from school, he/she may be assigned to the Jefferson County Alternative to Suspension Program (JCASP). Students referred to JCASP will report to Brown Gym on the first day of suspension and any subsequent days for the remainder of the suspension period. Students and parents are responsible for their own transportation. The JCASP day will begin at 8:00 and run through 3:30p.m. Students will spend the mornings completing lessons posted on Google Classroom and the afternoons completing community service. This program is a Court Services program and is run by the Jefferson County Probation Department. Failure to attend during the assigned suspension period will result in disciplinary actions determined by the probation department.

We are committed to keeping students in school and appreciate the partnerships formed to make these opportunities available to students.

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