Now through Memorial Day holiday
This month the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office and Hanover Town Marshal’s Office will join law-enforcement agencies across the nation to increase enforcement of seat-belt laws for Click It or Ticket. Multiple weeks of highly visible patrols will be watching for unrestrained passengers in cars and trucks, both children and adults, the front seat and back, both day and night.
Click It or Ticket continues through the Memorial Day holiday and the start of the summer travel season. Overtime police patrols are paid with National Highway Traffic Safety Administration funds administered by the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI).
“Why are police warning everyone before the seat-belt crack-down begins? Because we respond to traffic crashes and we see the preventable deaths and painful injuries from motorists not buckling up,” said Sheriff David Thomas and Town Marshal Joshua Taylor.
Indiana law requires the driver and all passengers to buckle up. Children under age eight must be properly restrained in child car seat or booster seat.
What is the best way to reduce your chances of injury or death? Buckle up! Below are tips for proper seat-belt use:
Secure the lap belt across your hips and pelvis, below your stomach.
Place the shoulder belt across the middle of your chest and rib cage, away from your neck.
Never put the shoulder belt behind your back or under an arm.
If your seat belt doesn’t fit you, or you have an older car with lap belts only, ask your dealer or vehicle manufacturer about seat-belt adjusters, extenders or retrofits