Career professionals will be attending to assist with any questions
Ivy Tech Community College Madison is featuring the School of Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering, and Applied Science for October’s school spotlight for Tuesdays@TheTech. Each first Tuesday of the month Ivy Tech Madison hosts Tuesdays@TheTech, an enrollment event centered around helping new, current, and prospective students take the next steps in their academic and professional careers. October’s Tuesdays@TheTech will include an Industrial Technology Open House providing tours focused on welding, industrial electrical technologies, industrial mechanical technologies and advanced automation and robotics technology. Career professionals will be attending to assist with any questions from potential students and provide resources as requested. Any guests who attend are eligible to win a welding personal protection equipment (PPE) kit.
Ivy Tech Madison is hosting October's Tuesdays@TheTech on October 4, 2022 from 3:00-6:00pm. Interested individuals can visit here to sign up or visit for more information.