Coming in September
The free youth hunting days for 2019 are Sept. 7-8, and Nov. 30 and Dec. 1. Youth free hunting days are traditionally set as the first full weekend after Sept. 1 when dove and squirrel season are open, as well as the weekend after Thanksgiving when deer, rabbit, squirrel, and other gamebird and furbearer seasons are open.
Any resident age 17 or younger on the date of the hunt can take any legal game in season during these youth free hunting days. To participate, the youth must be accompanied by an adult who is at least 18 years of age. The youth’s adult partner must be in close enough proximity to monitor and be able to communicate with the youth hunter at all times. The adult may help the youth hunter with calling game but may not carry a firearm, crossbow, or bow and arrow, except for a handgun carried lawfully. The adult must possess a valid hunting license, unless exempted from needing a license. During the free youth hunting days, neither a hunting license, nor a State migratory waterfowl stamp, nor a Harvest Information Program (HIP) number is required to hunt waterfowl or other migratory birds for resident youth hunting or nonresident youth. All persons 16 years or older must possess a federal duck stamp.