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The Indiana Department of Education today released 2018 ISTEP+ results. Performance remained stable across content areas in grades 3-8, with slight increases in grade 8 English/Language Arts and grade 3 Mathematics.
“ISTEP+ is one of the many tools Indiana uses to measure student achievement and this year’s results indicate we are moving in the right direction,” said Dr. Jennifer McCormick, Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction. “Indiana’s classrooms are full of dedicated educators who spend each day preparing our children for academic success, and I am grateful for their hard work.”
ISTEP+ assesses more rigorous Indiana Academic Standards adopted in 2014 for English/Language Arts and Mathematics. Altogether, ISTEP+ assesses English/Language Arts, Mathematics in grades 3-8 and 10, Science in grades 4, 6, and 10, and Social Studies in grades 5 and 7. For the Spring 2018 ISTEP+ assessment, corporations and schools were expected to transition to online assessments as the primary delivery mode. In total, 2.6 million assessments were given successfully online across all grades and content areas.
Spring 2018 ISTEP+ results can be viewed by visiting:
Indiana continues the transition in 2018-2019 to ILEARN, delivering computer adaptive components in grades 3-8. ILEARN assesses the same Indiana Academic Standards as ISTEP+, but educators reframed content priorities and item presentation to ensure each item solicits evidence of proficiency based on the Indiana Academic Standards. ISTEP+ Grade 10 continues to serve as the accountability assessment through the 2022 cohort, until the transition to the Graduation Pathways.
For information on available ILEARN resources for educators, please visit: For information on available ILEARN resources for families, please visit: