Hoosiers Are Invited To Employment Live Presentation

This presentation will be held on Thursday, June 11 at 2:00 p.m.

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(Indianapolis, Ind.) – The Indiana Civil Rights Commission (ICRC) and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) are inviting Hoosier to learn about the different employment resources available during the pandemic.

Attendees can tun in for a live discussion and Q & A to learn about the resources available in Indiana, beginning at 2:00 p.m. Thursday, June 11.

Employees, employers, or business owners can all benefit from the discussions by experts in Indiana equal employment laws. There will also be a focus on the resources available as well as current information surrounding COVID-19.

Keisha Green, ICRC Employment Director, will present on the COVID-19 Era workplace and how the ICRC can assist those who feel that they have been discriminated against in the workplace.

EEOC Education and Outreach Coordinator Brien Shoemaker will cover the current guidelines and information for employees and employers, as well as focusing on resources.

If interested, you join the event by clicking here. Follow ICRC social media pages, @INCivilRights, to stay updated on information and events.

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