The date for applications has been extended
Historic Madison, Inc. is accepting nominations for the 2019 Dorothy Inglis Reindollar Preservation Award. The award was established in 2000 for the purpose of recognizing exemplary preservation or restoration accomplishments occurring within Madison and Jefferson County, Indiana. The award recognizes an individual, project, corporation or organization that has made outstanding contributions the community embracing preservation techniques, over a period of time, resulting in making our community a better place to live, work, play, and raise a family.
Mrs. Reindollar was a Madison businesswoman, City Council member, involved in tourism and downtown development, devoted full time to volunteerism, loved her community and perhaps most of all was an active preservationist. Dotti served on the Board of Directors of Historic Madison, Inc. from 1981 until 1994 and was inducted into the Historic Madison, Inc. Council. She was a founding member of Historic Eleutherian College, Inc. in Lancaster and active in the preservation of this National Historic Landmark property.
Any individual, organization or project involved in historic preservation in Madison or Jefferson County is eligible. Nominated projects must have been completed. In some cases ‘ongoing’ projects that have made significant progress in the last three years may be eligible. Nomination may be made without the knowledge of the nominee. Self-nominations will be accepted though nominations for posthumous awards will not be accepted. Properties owned by Historic Madison, Inc. /Historic Madison Foundation, Inc., members of the Board of Directors, and staff are not eligible during the period of their active service and for two years thereafter.
To nominate an individual, organization or project you must complete an official nomination form, write a description (900 words or less) of the nominee and attach supporting material (no more than twelve items.) These items may include brochures, news items, photographs, slides, and other media accounts, and letters of support (no more than five). The award winner will be announced at the HMI annual Volunteer Recognition and Holiday Gathering on December 6, 2019 at the Shrewsbury-Windle House. Qualified nominations from last year will be carried over and new ones accepted. The award winner will receive an appropriate emblem of achievement, a complimentary ticket to the event and featured in all media releases.
Official nomination forms are available at the administrative offices of Historic Madison, Inc. 500 West Street; Madison City Hall, 101 West Main Street; The Madison Courier, One Courier Square; and at VisitMadison, 601 West First Street as well as online at www.historicmadisoninc.com All nominations must be received before 4:30 p.m. Friday, November 15, 2019. For additional information contact Historic Madison, Inc. at 812-265- 2967.