Monday, April 15th
A groundbreaking ceremony will take place Monday, April 15, at the Hillside Inn in Madison to mark the official start of construction on the new Madison-Milton Bridge approach, which will connect S.R. 56/Main Street and U.S. 421 to the bridge, creating a new "Gateway to Madison." Project 421 is a $9.5 million segment of Gov. Eric Holcomb's Next Level Roads plan. The new bridge approach will help address the safety concerns, mobility challenges and economic development needs of Madison. Construction is scheduled to be completed in 2020.
What: Project 421 Groundbreaking Ceremony
Who: Mayor Damon Welch, INDOT Deputy Commissioner Tony McClellan, community and business leaders
When: Monday, April 15 at 1:30 p.m. ET
Where: The Hillside Inn, 831 E. Main Street, Madison, IN 47250