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Gov. Beshear: Increasing Cases Requires Kentuckians to Wear Face Coverings

Friday, July 10, 2020 at 10:18 AM

By Governor Beshear, news release

Kentucky’s new executive order requires Kentuckians to wear face coverings under several circumstances for the next 30 days.

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(Frankfort, Ky.) - Highlighting his commitment to protecting all Kentuckians, Gov. Andy Beshear today announced Kentuckians must wear face coverings in many situations if the state is going to stop the increase of novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) cases and continue to reopen the economy safely.

“The No. 1 thing a mask can do is protect the health and the life of yourself and those around you,” the Governor said. “It can make sure we don’t lose more people than we should, it can keep our cases down and it can help us to continue to reopen our economy.”

According to health experts, wearing face coverings not only protects others, it also lowers the infection risk for those wearing masks by 65%. The Governor also pointed to analysis from Goldman Sachs showing that if everyone in America was required to wear face coverings in public, it could save the U.S. economy from losing 5% of the Gross Domestic Product. Gov. Beshear noted that 5% of Kentucky’s Gross State Product alone is $10.4 billion. So far, 22 states have implemented some sort of order mandating face coverings, although details vary. 

Kentucky’s new executive order requires Kentuckians to wear face coverings under several circumstances for the next 30 days. The order will be evaluated during that time to determine any additional steps or extension.

The executive order states that face coverings will be required:

“While inside, or waiting in line to enter, any: retail establishment; grocery store; pharmacy; hair salon/barbershop; nail salon/spa; tattoo parlor; child care facility; restaurant or bar (when not seated and consuming food or beverage); health care setting, or; any other indoor public space in which it is difficult to maintain a physical distance of at least six feet from all individuals who are not members of that person’s household;

“While waiting for or riding on public transportation or paratransit, or while riding in a taxi, private car service, or ride-sharing vehicle, or driving any of the above while customers are present; or

“While in outdoor public spaces in which the person cannot maintain a physical distance of six feet from all individuals who are not members of the person’s household and is not otherwise covered by previously issued guidance.”

There are several exemptions to the order, including children who are 5 or younger and any person with a disability, or a physical or mental impairment, that prevents them from safely wearing a face covering. To read the executive order and more exemptions, click here.

The new executive order is in addition to current Healthy at Work and Healthy at School guidance already in place for many businesses and schools.

The Governor pointed to more than 3 million people having been infected with this deadly virus in the U.S and how hotspots like Arizona, Texas, and Florida have seen sharp spikes in cases. He noted that health officials in those states are reporting an alarming uptick in use of ICU beds and a tightening of hospital capacity in general.

The Governor said Kentucky needed to take this step, requiring face coverings, so that we don’t have to take more drastic measures, like several other states that have seen spikes.

“We have worked too long and hard, and sacrificed too much, to squander the gains we have made in this fight,” the Governor said.

Many across the commonwealth and nation have voiced support for more widespread use of face coverings and masks.

“We wholeheartedly support the Governor’s call to wear face masks in public,” said Garren Colvin, president and chief executive officer of St. Elizabeth Healthcare. “We know this is simply the most effective means of preventing transmission of COVID-19 and represents our best opportunity to diminish the ravaging effects of this pandemic until a vaccine is developed.”

“We support Gov. Beshear taking this additional step today to keep our members safe,” said John Stovall, president of Teamsters 783. “Masks will not only keep our hard-working employees healthy, but it will keep our economy going and moving forward on to the road to recovery.”

The issue is so important, the Governor said, that the Retail Industry Leaders Association is urging “every governor to require consumers who are not encumbered by a medical condition to wear masks when shopping or in public places.”

“The business community is supportive of wearing masks as a way to keep the economy going and to keep our workforce and fellow Kentuckians safe,” said Ashli Watts, president, and chief executive officer of the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce. “We will be reviewing Gov. Beshear’s executive order and providing feedback and comments to the administration.”

“We want our economy to be able to open safely. We want our schools to be able to open safely.  If the numbers of COVID-19 cases continue to surge, it won’t be safe,” said Lexington Mayor Linda Gorton. “Throughout this pandemic, Gov. Beshear has made the tough calls to keep Kentuckians safe. He’s doing that again today.”

“I strongly support Governor Beshear’s difficult decision to order mandatory mask-wearing in public. I believe it will slow the spread of the coronavirus, save lives and help us to keep our businesses open and our people working safely,” said Judge-Executive Mike Buchanon from Warren County. “Citizens should gladly support the mandatory mask policy. Wearing a mask is not a lot to ask and is the least we can do to protect our friends, neighbors, and family members. Wearing a mask in public will help to slow the spread of the virus and allow us to get back to work, to rebuild our businesses and revive our previously strong economy.”

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