New venue at Hanover College
Girls on the Run of King’s Daughters’ Health will host its annual 5K Fun Run on Sunday, November 11, outside the Horner Center at Hanover College. The event will begin at 3 p.m., with race packet pick-up, walk-up registration, and pre-race activities beginning at 1:30 p.m. Activities include a Happy Hair Station, face painting, goody bags, door prizes, refreshments, and a live DJ.
The race serves as a season-end celebration for all third through fifth grade girls who participated in the ten-week program at eight different sites across Jefferson County. The event is open to all runners and walkers. Spectators are also welcome to come cheer on participants.
The early bird registration fee is $20 and includes a long sleeve t-shirt. The cost without a shirt is $15. Early bird registration ends Monday, October 22; online registration is available at www.kdhmadison.org. Walk-up registration cost on race day is $15 (no shirt). Race shirts and other Girls on the Run merchandise will be available for purchase the day of the race.