Gary VanWye NAMED 2023 Golden Shamrock Award Winner

Long Time Supporter wins school’s most prestigious award

                                      gary van wye

Madison, IN, November 29 — Prince of Peace Catholic Schools are excited to announce Mr. Gary VanWye as the 2023 winner of the annual Golden Shamrock Award.  The Golden Shamrock Award is the most prestigious award given by Shawe Memorial High School and Pope John XXIII Elementary School each year.  This award is given to an individual who has shown long-term dedication to Prince of Peace Catholic Schools by volunteering, donating, providing financial support, and being a supporter long after their children or relatives graduate from high school.

        Mr. Gary VanWye has been a fixture at Shawe and Pope John since the early 2000s when his grandchildren attended the schools.  Gary jumped right in by coaching Elementary basketball, Junior High Boys Basketball, and then later became the Varsity Girls Softball coach at Shawe.  VanWye was the Varsity Softball coach for seven years, with the highlight of his coaching career coming in 2009 when his Lady Hilltoppers won the IHSAA Sectional at Jac-Cen-Del.  After coaching softball, VanWye went back to coaching basketball, helping with Junior High Boys Basketball and then taking over Junior High Girls Basketball as well.

        VanWye is the President of Jefferson County Sports, a basketball league that is put on at several gyms throughout Jefferson County.  This league has been a huge asset to the youth in Jefferson County and surrounding areas.  With his hard work putting on this league, VanWye chooses to give a large portion of the proceeds back to the schools that are involved.  VanWye gives money from Jefferson County Sports to the Shawe Athletic Department every year in a very generous gift.  The schools have used this money to buy uniforms, equipment, and several other needs throughout the years.

As a coach at Shawe, VanWye selflessly donated his coaching salary back to the schools almost every year he has coached.  VanWye finds a need within the athletic department or the schools in general and makes sure to give his coaching salary so that the need may be met by that program.  Another example of VanWye’s dedication to the athletic programs are the many times that he drove the bus for the Boys Basketball team to Terre Haute for team camp.

Mr. VanWye also enjoys volunteering in the Pope John Cafeteria, has served as a substitute teacher, volunteered to work at the concession stand for many events, participated in a school play, worked at the schools’ annual festival, served at the school auction dinner, and has volunteered to park cars at big events including the festival as well.  

Mr. VanWye has a heart of gold and a deep care for Prince of Peace Catholic Schools.  Mr. VanWye has also purchased uniforms and equipment out of his pocket over the years for athletic teams who needed new uniforms and other essentials.  On top of all these great things that he does, VanWye also gives up to two scholarships each year to a deserving Shawe senior at graduation.

The list goes on and on for Mr. VanWye, who is the true definition of what it means to be a Hilltopper.  Shawe and Pope John appreciate all of the hard work and dedication that VanWye has put into our schools and want to once again congratulate him on winning the 2023 Golden Shamrock Award.

The Golden Shamrock Award ceremony will be held on Thursday, February 2 in the Rev. Hilary Meny Gymnasium at Shawe Memorial High School.  We would like to invite and encourage all past Golden Shamrock award winners to as well as all family, friends, and community members to attend this special ceremony.  The festivities will begin with an all-school Mass for Catholic Schools Week, followed by the presentation of the Golden Shamrock Award, and then a small reception will be held in the student lounge.  


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