Carroll, Henry and Owen Counties
The National Weather Service in Louisville KY has issued a flood warning for the Kentucky River at Lockport Lock affecting the following counties in Kentucky...Carroll...Henry...Owen.
Heavy rain over the last few days has caused the river to rise.
* Flood Warning for the Kentucky River at Lockport Lock.
* from this evening to Friday morning.
* At 9:30 AM Tuesday the stage was 25.2 feet.
* Flood stage is 33.0 feet.
* Minor flooding is forecast.
* Forecast...Rise above flood stage by this evening and continue to rise to near 37.8 feet by Wednesday evening. The river will fall below flood stage by Friday morning.
* Impact...At 39.0 feet...Outbuildings and barns in Monterey begin to flood. Some yards near between Eagle Lane and the river in Perry Park flood.
* Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 37.7 feet on Mar 9 2015.