21+ years of morning on 95.3 WIKI
After 21 years as a wake-up voice in the Ohio River Valley, 95.3 WIKI’s morning personality Larry Duke will leave the air waves on his morning show after his show this morning as he retires after nearly five decades.
Larry began at 95.3 WIKI in August of 1998 teaming with Roadhouse Ralph in the mornings. Both came down from WJCP in North Vernon when Star Media purchased WIKI.
Larry will continue broadcasting sports on 95.3 WIKI with longtime broadcast partner Rob Lafary and as the long-time voice of the Hanover College football and basketball programs.
He began his broadcasting career in high school back in 1972 in the Western suburbs of Chicago and in the Ohio River Valley in 1977 after he and his family moved to Hanover.
We wish Larry the very best in his retirement and will miss his voice in the mornings.
According to Larry “I would like to thank former owner and general manager Marty Pieratt for the start of this 21+ year journey and to current general manager, Melissa Murphy, who is more like a sister than a manager, for her support and friendship”.
“One of the things I will miss is the office fun and laughs with Kristin Clevenger and others who have graced our office.”
“I mostly want to thank everyone for all the years I’ve been able to visit with you each morning. I will miss making sure your ready for your day with news, weather, sports and other events.”
“Thank you again WIKI-COUNTRY”