DNR Reminding Hoosiers To Watch For Nesting Turtles On Roadways

Seven of the state’s 16 turtle species are listed as special concern or state endangered.

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(Indianapolis, Ind.) – As Indiana native turtles are going through the nesting season, Hoosiers may find many of these creatures on the roadways.

All native turtles, endangered species, and Eastern box turtles are regulated in Indiana. They are protected and cannot be collected from the wild or kept as pets.

If you are to come across a turtle, it is best to simply observe and enjoy the shelled reptile in its natural habitat.

The Indiana Department of Natural Resources is reminding Hoosiers that wild turtles do not make good pets. Wild turtles can live a long time with some species outliving their owners. Turtles can be messy and with special husbandry needs.

Indiana’s turtles face numerous conservation challenges, including habitat loss, destruction of turtle nests by predators, and illegal collection for the pet trade.

Seven of the state’s 16 turtle species are listed as special concern or state endangered.

Turtles that are found crossing roadways may be moved off the road as long as conditions are safe. The turtle must be moved in the directions it was traveling. When a turtle is moved to a new area, it is displaced from its home range and removed from its population. Relocating turtles to new areas can leave turtles disoriented and spread new diseases to that area.

Eastern box turtles and like species have strong homing instincts, and if moved those turtles could spend the rest of its life trying to find its original home.

If you are to find a turtle nest, you should not disturb it, instead, you may place a mesh cage over the nest to protect the eggs from predators as long as it is checked daily for hatchling turtles.

Common snapping turtles and softshell turtle may be harvested with a valid Indiana hunting or fishing license. For gag limits, season dates, and other regulations visit the Indiana Fishing Regulation Guide website. The hunting season for these species is closed during nesting season which is April through June.

Learn more about Indiana’s amphibian and reptile regulations at https://www.in.gov/dnr/fishwild/3328.htm.

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