Jefferson County has one of the highest adult smoking rates in Indiana
In conjunction with the Jefferson County Tobacco Coalition, the Healthy Communities Initiative of Jefferson County will host a community conversation focusing on the impact of tobacco use in our county. The event will take place on Thursday, May 3, at the Madison-Jefferson County Public Library at 6 p.m. The agenda includes a data presentation & discussion panel on tobacco use rates, youth targeting & smoke-free air.
Jefferson County has one of the highest adult smoking rates in Indiana at 31 percent, compared to 21.1 percent statewide & 17.1 percent nationally. More than 11,000 Hoosiers die each year from smoking, 57 in Jefferson County.
Registration is encouraged via eventbrite.com. For more information, call 812-801-0598, email garrettn@kdhmadison.org, or visit the Healthy Communities Initiative of Jefferson County Facebook page.