City of Madison to Unveil New Veteran Banners

Jefferson County Veteran Banners will be Unveiled on Armed Forces Day

From the City of Madison:

Madison, Indiana - May 4, 2018

On behalf of the City of Madison, Visit Madison, Inc., Clifty Creek Chapter Sons of American Revolution, The Jefferson County Veterans Council, Madison Main Street, and generous donors, we are happy to announce that Armed Forces Day will be celebrated with the unveiling of Jefferson County Veteran Banners.

On Saturday, May 19, 2018, they will be unfurled, honoring the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard. A sixth banner will pay tribute to Madison's own Major Samuel Woodfill, the only Hoosier soldier to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor during World War I for his service to our country. The remaining 54 veteran banners honor local veterans will already be hung in anticipation of this event.

The Armed Forces Day event will be held at Bicentennial Park and is set to begin at 11 am, followed by a complimentary community picnic of hot dogs and chips. Bottled water will be provided by the American Red Cross of Madison. All visitors are encouraged to bring lawn chairs. Music will be provided by the collaboration of band members from Madison Consolidated High School, Shawe Memorial High School and Southwestern High School. Honorary guest speakers will be Madison Mayor Damon Welch; Robert Woodfill, nephew of Major Samuel Woodfill; and Jefferson County Commissioner David Bramer.

Happy Smith, an active member of the Madison Main Street program, brought the idea to a number of local organizations and through collaborative efforts, the Veterans Banner Program was initiated.

The Veteran Banners will be displayed along Madison's beautiful riverfront and along Broadway and West Street. All local businesses and homeowners are encouraged to display their own American flags for this special occasion and event.

Many thanks to all of our gracious donors:  Community Foundation of Madison and Jefferson County, American Legion Post #9, Jefferson County Tourism Board, Main Street Madison Program, Jefferson County Genealogical Society, Disabled American Veterans Chapter #55, Jefferson County Veterans Council, Madison Elks Lodge #524, American Legion Post #9 Riders, American Red Cross of Madison, Larry Newhouse, Robin and Margot Henderson, Happy Smith, and Allen Manning.

This event is rain or shine.


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