The COVID-19 vaccine is administered in two rounds at least three weeks apart from each other.
(Carrollton, Ky.) – Carrollton Mayor Robb Adams took to Facebook live yesterday to encourage residents to receive the COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes more widely available.
Mayor Adams stated that he and the judge recently received their vaccines without side effects.
State leaders on local and federal levels are encouraging the vaccine stating that the goal is to get at least 75 percent of the state's population to get the vaccine to consider the virus under control.
“If we can get a majority of the population vaccinated, we can get back to the things that everybody loves like larger gatherings, summer events, and regular weddings,” said Mayor Adams.
The COVID-19 vaccine is administered in two rounds at least three weeks apart from each other.
Mayor Adams also stated that the Three Rivers District Health Department is now taking names of those residents who are 70+ and would like to receive the vaccine. For more information on this, you can call (502) 484-3412.
Residents will then be contacted when the vaccine is ready to be administered.
Assisted living facilities will not be receiving the vaccine through the local health departments, but through facilities such as Walgreens due to federal government contacts.
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