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Board of Public Works Meets To Discuss 2021 Traffic Safety Plans

At this time due to funding, the city has decided to push back the Clifty Drive sidewalk project until 2022, and the widening of Wilson Avenue to 2024. 

(Madison, Ind.) - The City of Madison Board of Public Works met Monday morning to discuss traffic safety improvements that will be coming to Madison. 

Mayor Courtney stated that one of the main goals the city has for 2021 is to improve traffic safety in all aspects from roads, to lighting, and sidewalks. 

The city has been working with the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) to create weight limits for trucks going up and down Hanging Rock Hill, and to create a new crosswalk safety plan that will go into effect in the spring. This safety plan will be in place for all of the North and South streets that connect with Main Street that will help draw attention to pedestrians who are crossing the street.

Madison Police Chief John Wallace, also addressed the board and the public stating that he is working with the city attorney to draft a new ordinance that will be presented at the next meeting, for a three-way stop sign to be placed at Ross Street and Highland Drive. Chief Wallace is asking residents in the area that if they have any concerns about a new stop sign being placed in the area to contact the police department (812) 265-3347.

If the department does not receive any concerns about the area the board will then start the procedures of approving the new ordinance. 

At this time due to funding, the city has decided to push back the Clifty Drive sidewalk project until 2022, and the widening of Wilson Avenue to 2024. 


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